Setting up your Facebook Business Page

Every Business knows that they should be on Facebook, most business owners just don’t know how & where to start. For the purpose of this post we are going to help you get started as quickly as possible without getting hung up on overthinking too many details.

Let’s walk through how to start:

Step 1:

Create your Facebook Business Page:

In order to have a Facebook Business Page you need a personal Facebook profile so if you don’t have one already, set up a personal Facebook profile. Fill out all basic info. Then click “Create a Page”.

Follow these Simple Steps:

  1. Click “Create a Page”

    • You can find this link in the drop down menu section at the top right of your screen or at the bottom left of your screen.

    • Here is the direct link if you can’t find it:

  2. Select “Business / Brand”.

  3. Select your Page Name.

  4. Select your Business Category.

  5. Add a profile image & cover photo.

    • You can skip this if you don’t have one ready.

Congratulations, you just set up your Facebook Business Page!

Now we can move on to:


Step 2:

Brand your Facebook Page:

Basic elements of Branding are:

  • Business Name

  • Logo

  • Colors

  • Tagline

  • Messaging

  • Personality

  • Typography

  • Images

You must at minimum establish your Business name, Logo, colors, messaging & images.

Your Branding will happen over time as you grow & understand your Business, Customers & Positioning more. So for now we need a direction to start if you don’t have one already.

You will be able to develop & choose your tagline, personality & typography later.

As soon as you establish your very basic Branding Guidelines move on below.


  1. Be sure that you used your actual Business name as your page name.

  2. Now you can update your page username with your business name. (You can find this in the about section of your page.)

  3. Choose the best Page Template that fits your Business.

    • You can find & update your business template in your page settings.

  4. Create a Profile Picture & upload it to your page.

  5. Determine the Objective of your Cover Photo.

  6. Create Cover Photo & upload it to your page.

  7. Fill out Basic Business Info. (Address, Phone number, website, hours, Email.)

  8. Add Button to top of Page.

  9. Publish Page. (Located in the settings area of your page.)

Congratulations, now you have Branded your Facebook Business Page. Great Job!


Step 3:

How to Think about Facebook for Business:

Think of Facebook as your Social Website.

This, for many of your customers will be their first introduction to your business. Make it a good one.

You know the saying about first impressions? It’s true.

And even though online you get many chances to redeem your first impression, building a relationship, trust & intimacy takes time.

So you don’t want to keep establishing unpleasant impressions and prolonging your customers journey to interact, engage & then buy from you.

Let’s do this right & get back on the right track with your customers.

See our; “Your Profile is Your Social Home Page” post to see how your Social Profile should resemble your Home Page on your Website.


Step 4:

How your Customers view your Business on Facebook:

Consumers love convenience & they LOVE the convenience of interacting with businesses right from their phone.

From gaining information, to learning more about how to use your products, to learning how to gain from your service & to contacting you for quick questions, customer service & even purchase inquiries.

Your customers are mobile driven.

Since consumers are convenience driven, if your expertise isn’t convenient for them to find, learn from & interact with. They will turn to what is convenient & purchase from them.

Remember, superior products, services & businesses don’t win.

Convenient, available ones do.

Be available & present for your customers. They need you, they’re depending on you & they’re looking online for you.

Meet your customers where they are.

We’re here to help you get online, reach your customers & grow your business.

Our related service package to this post is our “Brand Image Package”.

Give us a call and reference this package and we will be able to get your foundation situated, online & successfully reaching your customers within 30 days.

Speak to you soon.

Victor Alex Terrazas

Founder & CEO of Modality View Media

Modality View Media

We are a Digital Production Company providing Digital Marketing, Photography & Videography solutions to businesses of all sizes.

We Make Marketing Simple for Businesses.

Design a Homepage that Grabs Attention


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